Friday, August 16, 2024



Woohoo 15 years Canada. Wow unbelievable. My dream was to come to Canada for 6-12month to learn English and then go back to Germany. However after 6 month I knew that Canada was where I belonged and I never wanted to leave. And now it has been 15 years. 

15 years of learning and growing. Managing the good and bad. Challenging myself. Trying new things. Connecting with people.

Moving from Germany to Canada has still been the best decision I have ever made. I never thought (nor did my English teacher)  I would live in a Country where I had to speak English all the time but here I am. I can't imagine ever moving back to Germany. I love to go for visits but CANADA is my HOME.

I met some incredible people over the years. Some came and left and some stayed. I met my best friend the weekend after I had arrived. Of course I didn't know she would be my best friend but I did wish for it the moment I met her. It took a little while to actually get together and get to know each other because my English wasn't that good and I moved to Canmore a year after arriving in Calgary BUT 15 years later I can tell you - I can NOT imagine my life without her. She might not know it but she got me through some tough stuff and I am very grateful. I wouldn't be where I am now without her. And this is were my post begins ... 

This post is called Happiness and taking care of yourself.

I see a lot - the happier you make other people - the happier you will be. Sure that might be the case sometimes but why not make sure you yourself are happy and share your happiness with others. Why do we always feel like we need to do everything for others. How about we put ourselves first for once.

isn't out there it is in you ... HAPPINESS

  • is a state of inner peace and contentment 
  • is homemade
  • is speaking up for yourself
  • is setting boundaries that are important to your life
  • is enjoying life to the fullest even if you have to do certain things on your own
  • is learning new things and making new connections
  • is knowing yourself
  • is not giving a darn what other people thing of you. If it makes you happy then do it.
  • is loving and being loved
  • is contagious 

Sometimes even changes in your life can make you happy. Yes it might take work and you might have to go through hard times (believe me I know) but in the end if all that leads you to happiness - it should all be worth it.

Happiness is being true to yourself. Happiness is finding people that you can share your happiness with.
I have always done things "my" way. Yes I need help and advice and good friends in my life BUT if I found something that was good for me I did it.

I took care of 18 children (9 girls and 9 boys) over the years and loved it very much. I loved seeing everyone grow and learn. The first children I ever took care off are 24 and 21 now. Wow. Time flies.

I worked in a hotel as a housekeeper, as laundry staff and as supervisor for a total of 5 years. 

I volunteer at the animal shelter and I took 2 courses (Veterinary Assistant and Canine Specialist) that I was happy taking but I am also ok that those were a dream a year ago and might not be my dream anymore. 

I have a job that makes me happy and fulfilled. I have friends that I can count on no matter what. And I have goals and dreams for the future. What more could you wish for. Live every day to the fullest. Do things that make YOU happy. 

Here are a few pictures of me during the last 15 years. Woot woot.

Life is hard sometimes and I have to remind myself to stop, take a step back and breath every now and then. Sometimes we have to take a second or third look before we make a decision. Everything will turn out the way it is suppose too. I had some wonderful years. I have learned a lot. I have travelled. I have explored. I have been on Adventures and I can't wait what comes next. Not everything will be awesome but I am ready. I will make the best of what is ahead. Learn from the bad and enjoy the good. Here is cheers to the next 5 years.