Woohoo - oh yeah!
Before I tell you all about it - I want to Thank my friend Michelle - I couldn't have done it without her. Thank you for being there for me. For your constant support. Having you by my side on such a special day meant a lot. Thank YOU!!
Here are a few photos before the race. Quick a selfie before heading out to line up at the start. Can you see the startline way up ahead? The 3rd photo is actually the finishing line on the other side of the building!
And off we go. My friend Michelle and I ran the first 9Km together, then the marathoners & half marathoners split. I like being surrounded by so many runners and enjoyed the first 9Km in the middle of the crowd.
We had some great live music throughout the race. Saw this guy at the beginning of the race and couldn't resist! Had to stop to take a photo with Elvis ... Whenever I see this photo I hear my friend say. "Thank you! Thank you very much" :)
After marathoners and half marathoners split I was basically by myself. I didn't see a race bunny nor did I see any runners for a bit. It is scary to run by yourself - always wondering if you are going the right way. All I saw between K9 and K29 were 7 other Marathoners. I knew after marathoner and half marathoner split that there wouldn't be so many runners but 7? It was very hard to run a constent pace if you don't really have anyone to follow. Big Thank you to police and all the volunteers! You all did an amaaaazing job. I was very happy with all the water stations. I didn't count KM I counted water stations which were every 3Km :) Also big Thank you to all the first AID stations and everyone on their bike that were looking after us runners. It was a very very hot day and I was happy to know that someone is around if I ever needed anything.
Seeing this sign was a highlight for me because I only ran 2 half marathons last year which are 21.1Km and I ran one 20Km training run. So everything from this point on was a personal best. Seeing the 22Km sign made me wish I've signed up for the half - then I'd be done already :) I wasn't fast but I kept going.
Two things I'd like to mention. Telling a marathoner at 26Km that they are almost done is so not a great idea. For me almost there means 500m left and not 16.2Km still to go. Another thing - telling someone who is exhausted that the turn around is just around the next corner but not mentioning that you mean the corner after the next 4Km is also not nice.
Seeing the 35Km sign was such a relief. I was getting closer to the finish. Still 7.2Km to go but wow 35Km done :)
I got really really tired at around 37Km so I did the only right thing that I could do. I texted my friend Michelle. She ran the half marathon and was cheering on everyone that finished before me. When I texted her she started walking towards me. I was so happy when I saw her. I couldn't really run but I also couldn't stop walking. We walked together towards the finishing line and I was so happy when I was about to pass the 41Km sign. My legs were so heavy and the last 1.2Km felt soooo long. I couldn't really run anymore but managed to run/jump over the finish line.
About the pass 41Km - Yaaaay |
My first Marathon took me 06:20:28 (chip time) !! Not fast but I finished!! After the race I had something to drink and a banana and off we went to the c-train. While we were waiting for the c-train we chatted with other runners. It's always great to hear what others experienced and how they liked it. As we were waiting I was asked if I would do it again and without even thinking about it for second I said YES! I mean it. I would definitely run a marathon again. I was very sore the first 3 days after the race but it was worth it.
Now I've done my first 10Km - my first half marathon and my first marathon at the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon event. All that is missing is the 5Km and the 50K Ultra now :) Should I do the 5Km next year??
Here are a few things about my "Training"
When I signed up for my Marathon I had 214days 23hours and 48minutes for my training. You would think that is plendy of time! Weeeell ...
My Marathon training didn't go as smoothly as my half marathon training did. I had time to train 3times a week for my half marathon but for my marathon whole nother story. I did two 5K runs last year and then I went to Orlando and Vancouver. Changes at the hotel also made it hard to train after an 8 or 9 hour day. I just wasn't feeling it. I did manage to run a couple of short runs between Feb. and March. I didn't know back then that March 12th would be my longest (20Km) and also my last training run.
I wasn't very fast and I know I can do better BUT without training I think I did a good job. I could have just said that I am not doing the Marathon at all BUT I did it. And it felt great. I was in a lot of pain in the last 4Km but as soon as you cross the finish line all the pain goes away and it was all worth it.
Up next!
I've sign up for the Canmore Rocky Mountain Half Marathon Sept. 13th, 2015 and I hope I am able to sign up for more till then!!
Countdown for the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon 2016
Thank for reading! Questions and comments are always welcome!
Congratulations Antje! You are a MARATHONER now. I have so much respect for you and your determination. You finished this race on a very hot day in spite of challenges in your training. Way to go! I'm so happy to hear you will give it a go again some time. The first time is the hardest. I'm so proud of you and it was such a pleasure to share this special day with you! xo!