Thursday, May 29, 2014

Horseback riding - Adventure Wednesday May 28th, 2014

Another Amazing Adventure Wednesday

Like every Wednesday Georgia and I had to work till 3pm. I could not wait to finish. I was so excited to go on another Adventure. This week we signed up to go Horseback riding in Banff. After work we had only 10min to get changed and to get to the bus. As soon as we got on the bus it started raining and didn't stop - so we decided to go for coffee before heading to the "Warner Stables" for our Bow River Ride.

It was still raining when we finally arrived at the Stables and were afraid the horseback ride would be cancelled. We were the only 2 that showed up and could decide if we still wanted to go. Hmm, let me think - Yeah!! ... After like 10min on the Horse it finally stopped raining. 

I loved every minute of it and could do this all day long. I'm actually thinking about applying for a position there - maybe next summer. Everyone should go on a horseback ride to get away from stress, work and busy schedules and trade them for fresh mountain air, a good horse, and a trail that leads you to one spectacular view after another.

Here are a few photos that I took along the way :)
Bow River Ride

 Bow River                                Mt Norquay

  On our way back to Warner Stables along the 
Marsh Loop following the Bow River!

Georgia having fun!

We were the smalles group ever. Georgia, me and 2 Guides :) I didn't care that it was cloudy and that is was raining in the beginning. I had a fantastic time.

 Awesome afternoon - I'm going to do it again very soon.

We had an amazing hour. It was so peaceful. I was very happy and it looks like Delta was very happy too - Big smile!

Warner Stables

Dinner Time!

When we got back home we had dinner & watched 
"Dirty Dancing".

Sooo much fun! Love my new roommate!!

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